Monday, July 10, 2023

Man’s Legs Grow After He Hurdles Over a Cactus by CA

Today, a man was sighted using his incredibly long legs to hurdle over a Cactus that was over 10ft while filming a YouTube video under the name “CactusMan01,” but after it was done his legs began to get even longer--they are still growing at the moment.

The clip was made by Chad Chadson, 18, a high jump and hurdle enthusiast. “CactusMan01” was founded on June 14th, 2023, but Chad had not posted until this event. Instead he was watching Subway Surfer clips, according to his fans who had checked his YouTube channel.

The video was taken in southeast Texas, where it showed him in a hot desert, sweating. Chad then goes on to say that he’s been practicing this jump for weeks and backs up. The camera pans to a cactus that film investigators say to be around 15ft.

Chad takes a deep breath and, somehow, manages to make the jump. This had his 734 fans cheering, as he appeared to be superhuman in the clip, but that was not the part that attracted more viewers. After Chadson made the miraculous jump, his legs began to grow longer.

The cactus jumper himself came in this morning for a special interview, but he was too tall to fit into the broadcast room, so they filmed and broadcasted the entire interview outside. Scientists have since then been tracking his leg growth, and we received reports that they are still growing at the very moment.

So, why is this happening? Chad states that he had eaten at least 3 pounds of beans and chicken each before this event, but doctors say that isn’t usually a cause of such stimulated rapid growth. The answer is still unknown.

A conspiracy equally as strange has also begun to appear. An anonymous figure of the name “Brad Bradwick'' claimed that he was the mastermind behind Chadson’s videos. “We’re working together on [the YouTube channel]. Chad hasn’t been nice about splitting the fame.”

Bradwick then went on to share that the “01” in his username was of his birthdate, 2001. Since this comment on the video went up, Chadson has been receiving a lot of hate. Still, Chad denies these claims.

Until then, Chad’s friends and family are praying that he stops growing, as he now has to crouch to be heard by anyone when he talks. His next YouTube video is postponed indefinitely.

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