Thursday, July 13, 2023

Passwords by LB

Please choose a password


Your password must have at least one uppercase letter.


Password must be at least 12 characters long


Password must have a number


The digits in your password must add up to 25


Password must have a special characters


Your password must include a month of the year


There must be roman numerals in you password


The roman numerals must multiply to 35.


Your password must include today’s wordle answer


Your password must have a two letter symbol from the periodic table


Your Password must contain a phase of the moon as an emoji

HiHiHiHiHiHi55555^^mayVVIICOCOANe 🌒

Your password must contain at least 1 bold Character 

HiHiHiHiHiHi55555^^mayVVIICOCOANe ðŸŒ’

Your password must contain at least 1 underlined Character 

HiHiHiHiHiHi55555^^mayVVIICOCOANe ðŸŒ’

Your password must contain at least 1 italic Character 

HiHiHiHiHiHi55555^^mayVVIICOCOANe ðŸŒ’

Your Password must be less than 20 characters long, yours is 32

Poem of Books, Poem of Poems by LB and CA

Books come in all shapes and sizes
On every page there are new surprises
Sit there and read as time flies.
But cry if the main character dies.
Ever book has a different story
But the horror ones are very gory
Fairy tales are cute and small
And Matilda was made by Roald Dahl.
There are some that are quite rotten, really...
And some are good as fantasy!
So go on and give a cheer
To medieval ones with lots of deer!

[The above poem has been edited by the owner of this site for under 18 appropriateness]

I decided to write a poem of poems
Which is honestly quite nice in theory
My teachers don’t like it, I discovered
And parents don’t either.
But they say to put your
“Heart and soul into it”
and that can only be achieved with a poem of poems, obviously.
For me, at least.
It’s all my feelings in one place.
You’re like a “rebel” if you write a poem of poems.
Like you're trying to go against all that your teachers said.
No, I’m not trying to be funny,
Why did all the kids laugh?
I’m simply writing a poem of poems!

The Apple Doesn't Fall by AB



                                   apple apple         stem         apple apple 

                         apple apple apple apple  stem apple apple apple apple

                     apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple

                apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple

                apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple 

                apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple

                apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple 

                apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple

                apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple

                     apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple 

                     apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple

                     apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple

                         apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple 

                         apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple 

                              apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple 

                                  apple apple apple apple apple apple apple

                                      apple apple apple apple apple apple 

                                           apple apple apple apple apple

                                              apple apple          apple apple

How Cats See Themselves by CF


Toad and Salamander by MW

toad: why are you so slimy?

Salamander: I don’t know. Why are you so bumpy and rough?

Toad: I was just born that way.

Salamander: exactly and I was born slimy.

Toad: ok well what type of Salamander are you?

Salamander: what type of toad are you?

Toad: a natterjack toad. And you still haven't told me what type of Salamander you are.

Salamander: I never said I was going to tell you.

Toad: so I told you what type of toad I am for nothing?

Salamander: yeah pretty much.

Toad: so you tricked me?

Salamander: yep.

Toad: I was so dumb to think that you were going to tell me.

Salamander: yes you were. Do you know what it means to call someone slimy?

Toad: no.

Salamander: of course you don’t. Calling someone slimy basically means that they are a trickster.

Toad: oh. Well in that case you are slimy.

Salamander: slimy as in texture or slimy as in sneaky?

Toad: Does it really matter your kind of both. Oh sorry did I say kind of I meant to say you ARE both.

Salamander: >:-)

Toad: what does that mean?!? Salamander, SALAMANDER?!?

Salamander: you're about to find out, and when you do your last words will be…

Toad: w-w-what will my last words be.

Toad: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.



Somewhere there is a chamber in which the Underground is…

From files under the label of

The Underground: A worldwide group of trained telepathic assassins, with bases in the USA, Russia, China, and Brazil. Masters of the streets and very dangerous. Avoid at all costs. Right now, as you read this, the Underground are deciding who to kill next.

Precisely 200 cloaked figures enter the chamber. They sit in a perfect circle, completely silent and still, connecting their minds so that everyone’s thoughts are intertwined. If they didn’t do this, the noise would surely alert the civilians above on the street - 200 people speaking could be heard through a layer of concrete. Then one of them speaks in a rough voice.

“The Alchemist.”

THE ALCHEMIST IS AN OUTLANDISH MAGICAL SORCERER, the Underground’s minds scream, amplified by each other's' mind-voices. The noise almost overwhelms the leader’s mind. This verdict is what they had been trained to believe, through dreams and messages from the government - they were simply channels for this information. The leader considers their thoughts, listening to every mind carefully and precisely. They nod.

“The Butcher.”

There is no clear decision in the Underground’s minds, only disorganized mumbling and muttering. The leader listens to each one, then exhales.

They broadcast to the Underground’s minds: The Alchemist. At that moment, it is decided - their next victim will be the Alchemist.

He’ll be dead within a day.


Two hours later, the Underground enters the Alchemist’s dilapidated home through the chimney, the windows, the doors. They move silently and make short work of him, a clean and precise kill. They do not enjoy this, nor carelessly slaughter, instead do their duty with utmost respect. They leave as quickly as they came, soft footsteps fleeing the scene.

They report back to the Underground leader: It is done. The leader grunts in respect. Yes, they reply. The Alchemist is dead, and his death will have an effect on this community.


Somewhere there is a family who only survives because of the Alchemist. Now the Underground has ripped their family from its roots and tossed it to the seas. They struggle to survive over the next few weeks, each day growing paler and weaker - on the edge of death. Without the lifesaving magical cure, they begin to wither and die.

Each member of the family has to leave a loved one: The daughter is forced to say goodbye to her lover, the parents forced to bid farewell to the prospect of this family continuing. Once they come to peace with the fact that they will die, there is nothing left to live for.


Somewhere the daughter’s lover weeps, her form frail and weak. In this community, you never know who is next, so the lover has prepared for this moment. But little can prepare you for this. Grief is heavier than a thousand tons, heavier than the heaviest weight on your chest. She will carry it with her until she accepts it, until she lets it go free. Only then will she be released from the weight.


The girl never knew the Alchemist, yet she had been affected by his death. By the family dying, then the lover, her neighbor, struggling with grief, she had seen two things: That the ripples of his death would go on to affect everyone in the community, whether they knew him or not. Such was the power of the Underground: they could, with a single targeted death, affect everyone. This was why they were so dangerous - what they decided to do could shape the fate of every person even remotely connected to them.

The other thing she knew was the importance of a better-managed Underground, where deaths were not simply arranged, but planned-out months in advance. She decided that she would become the next leader of the Underground.


Somewhere, there was a girl that wanted to become the next leader of the Underground…

The girl joined the Underground and quickly rose through the ranks until she was ready to challenge the current leader. To become the leader of the Underground, you had to kill the current leader with nothing but your bare hands. She did this dutifully and immediately renamed the Underground to the Aboveground.

She gave the members of the Underground an ultimatum, threatening to imprison them if they disagreed with her proposition of joining her in bettering the world. Some escaped, but most either joined the Aboveground or were put behind bars.

She also funded schools, orphanages, and other public services that had been in decline or even disappeared when the Underground took over. She taxed the citizens and hosted fundraisers. She fully devoted her life to bettering the world through the vast powers of the Aboveground. Even though almost eighty percent of the country was still battered and flea-ridden with gangs, the Aboveground’s base was mostly free of those groups. She would have to keep fighting, but if she did, she was sure that the Aboveground would prevail.


The girl’s granddaughter was now the triumphant leader of the Aboveground. It was a worldwide peace organization devoted to everyone in the area. The girl’s (and her predecessors’) success was crucial to the economy - what was a struggling, alley-cat, half-dead, abandoned country was now a sprawling metropolis full of citizens. When you are devoted to making a change, the change happens.

You may be wondering who this girl is. Her name has long since been lost to the winds, slipping into the endless river of time and never resurfacing. But, even 2,000 years after the founding of the Aboveground, in 7084, we remember the effect that the line of Aboveground leaders had on this world.

Brains by nc

Its small about a fist its
Slimy its weird but if you're reading this
You have one to it helps you learn you have brain cells
When someone says you don't have a brain then
Say well then how am i alive
You need it to survive you can keep information
You can remember your name with it
You may not be able to eat with it
But it will see your food
Your never stupid you just haven't learned it
But don't get you will always have a

The skate park by nc

It's quiet its fun its a skate park hills and ramps crash and click you hear the boards slam against the ground when it's wet you can boogie board or you can slide do what's on your mind it safe sometimes just be careful friends or friend it's always fun to skate you can play a game of sk8 you flip your board it lands on its side rock upside down paper right side up scissors you do it with your friends its fun big skateparks and little skate parks you choose bowl or ramp or rail and you can try a loop try to be safe it's a dangerous hobby so skate at a skatepark


“Hey, Aria, check it out.” Greg oohed at the photos of piles of money. There was a swimming pool of money, and the kids swimming in it looked like they were in heaven. “The competition begins today in, like, a few hours.”

“Is it open to latecomers?” Aria questioned, unsure.

“Sure, sure.” Greg said dismissively. “C’mon, let’s get ready. We should go over some of the rules or whatever. You like that type of stuff, right?”

“I just do it because YOU DON’T, Greg!” Aria turned over to her computer. “Now start getting ready. We need to study.”

“Can I borrow your computer?”

“No.” Aria huffed.

Three hours later, Aria and Greg arrived at the building. It just looked like a house. “Are you sure this is a good idea? It looks…unprofessional.”

“Sure. C’mon, let’s ring the doorbell!” Greg cheered, happily bouncing up to the front door. Aria followed, wary. Greg’s ideas usually got her in a lot of trouble, whether it was worth it or not. He just sort of brought her along. A little brother couldn’t do these things alone, could he?

“Hello there!” A young man said, smiling. “Are you here for the competition?”


“Okay, come in, our contestants are waiting.”

There it was--five shopping carts full of money, lined up in a neat row. There were three other kids, one looking excited and the others looking like the competitors in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, smug and stupid.

“Three, two, one, and…we’re rolling! Look alive, everyone! Hello, I’m MrYeast, and today the last person to leave their shopping cart full of money wins $100,000! Contestants, enter your shopping carts.”

Everyone did as they were told. It was a little cramped, but overall it was okay. Aria could tell the bills were fake (obviously), too stiff and thick to be real. She started building intricate walls to shut herself off from the other noisy contestants. The Not-Money worked well.

Meanwhile, Greg and the other contestants were messing around and chatting with the hosts. Aria scoffed condescendingly and continued to make a masterpiece. The walls were perfectly symmetrical and sort of soundproof, the more she added to it. They consisted of arches and towers like a medieval masterpiece.

“So, you guys, what would you like to do if you win the money?”

Several tragic stories spewed out from the other three contestants. Aria heard cars and luxury couches and apparently Greg wanted 3 Yboxes. He had never said anything about that to Aria, but fake tears spilled out of his face as he told MrYeast how much he wanted those Yboxes. Something about “childhood dreams,” but he was still a child.

“And there was Aria, right? Aria, you in there?” MrYeast knocked on the half-built Money Wall. It stayed put. Aria grunted. “Let me work.”

“Okay, okay.”

It was awkwardly quiet for a long, long time.

A loud BANG made everyone look up. MrYeast dropped the plates of steamed potatoes he was going to serve. Aria couldn’t see anything (the Money Wall was blocking her view), but there were shouts from other contestants about how they were all going to die.

“HANDS UP! THIS IS A ROBBERY!” An unfamiliar voice yelled.

Silence, and then MrYeast scoffed, “the money isn’t here. It’s in my bank account, under MrYeast, password 25--”

“Then why is there money right here?” Aria could tell the robber was gesturing to the fake money.

“Fake. Now, be on your way, sir.” MrYeast said politely.

The robber didn’t budge. His evil aura stayed in the air. There was more uncomfortable silence. It seemed like everything had just…stopped. Everyone was still.

Then, without thinking, MrYeast launched Aria’s shopping cart at him. It seemed he forgot there was a person inside. Greg screamed, Aria screamed, the robber screamed.

The Money Wall didn’t budge when it hit the robber. He let out an OOMF and collapsed to the ground. Aria carefully pulled a bill from the wall so the whole thing fell to the ground, and she checked out the damage. He was unconscious.

“Welp, since your parents will probably sue me if they know I shoved you in a shopping cart towards a robber armed with a crowbar, you win $100,000! Just--keep quiet, okay?”

Greg cheered wildly, but Aria was just stunned. She was already splitting the money up in her head--donation, college--until she realized that Greg wanted three Yboxes. It was her money, though. So Greg wouldn’t get three Yboxes.

He would just get two.

Laughter, Imaginative, Fascinating, Emotion by AB


Mad Chinzilla Eats Everything In Its Path by AB

A chinchilla-like monster ate a plane out of the sky this morning. Many were hurt and rushed to the hospital after what was left of the plane crash landed. Then he moved on and ate the Empire State building, the Eiffel Tower, and more. Scientists are trying to figure out how to get rid of the monster, and they are trying to feed it.



What She's Looking For by AB

She may have no time to weep
For there are promises for her to keep
And while she cannot sit in sorrow
She wishes she could build a burrow

Deep, deep, underground
Until what she needs can be found
And she may actually never find it
But she can not rest, she can not sit

Until she finds what she's looking for.


Maple was a people watcher. She just loved seeing everyone come by. It was rare though. She lived just outside the forest, where not a lot of people went. It was kind of lonely, but she liked it. It was peaceful. Maple loved that. Every day animals would come by. She would say hi. She imagined them saying

hi back. Sometimes the people would come by, and she would say hello. They would never say hi back, though. They would never hear her. Sometimes she would get sad, because she would have no one to talk to. But then a nice squirrel would come by or something like that, and she would forget all about her thoughts.

One day, a young boy came along. Maple called out hello. The boy looked around, shrugged, and started walking again. Could he have actually heard me? “Hello,” she said again. The boy kept walking. “Can you hear me?” she practically screamed. Then the boy stopped. “Okay Joey,” he said. “If this is another one of your pranks…” “I don't know who Joey is,” Maple said, “But if you can hear me, sit by that tree over there. “This had better not be you, Joey,” the boy muttered. And that's how Chris and Maple became friends.

The boy, whose name was Chris, apparently moved to a house on the other side of the forest a couple weeks ago. He liked to take walks through nature. In fact, that's how he met Maple. “Do you have any grandchildren?” He asked her. “No, I don't think so.” she said. “Maybe somewhere else in the forest. Do you have siblings?” “Yeah,” Chris said. “An older sister named Julia. She's so annoying! He said. That made them both laugh.

They would spend most of their free time together. Talking to someone at last would make her so happy, it would make Maples leaves fall, and her branches sway. She was the happiest girl at the edge of the forest.

Bible Of The Gods Found! They worship Taylor Swift! by AB

The bible of the gods was found falling by two men who were on a Saturday morning walk in Kansas. They were Manley Farnham and his son, Chucky Farnham, who were 76 (Manley) and 41 (Chucky). Unfortunately the bible fell directly on Manley, sending him to the hospital to get his forehead taken off to get a new one. But Chucky made it out fine and with the bible. He reads through it and figures out shocking news. The gods worshiped Taylor Swift. “I wasn't surprised,” Chuck said. “Well, I was surprised. I found the bible of the gods! And it fell on my dads head! But who doesn't like Taylor, am I right?” A couple weeks later signs started to show up. There have been multiple bibles being shoplifted from stores. We got detective Malcom Brewster to investigate.  “Well, I think because so many bibles are being shoplifted from our stores,” Malcolm says, “Maybe we shoplifted their bible from their store.” A couple days later, Chuck confessed that he took the bible and was sentenced to jail for 6 ½ years.